
When you come to Les Chambres de Lili, you can enjoy the homemade breakfast and the products of the region. Almost all the products on the breakfast table are local. You will find the products made by your host, such as brioche, cakes, ayourts but also products from neighboring producers. The jams come from the Vergers de TOUTICAUT in DUNES, the honey comes from two producers (Jean-Pierre from the village of Astafort and Denis from Saint Pierre de Clairac). For one of them, the hives are at the bottom of the garden of "Chambres de Lili". The same is true for fruit juices (especially apples and grapes) which come from 2 producers in Tarn et Garonne. You will have the choice between cow's milk or goat's milk from the farm next door depending on the arrival. As soon as possible, we also put on our table, fruits from Valérie Desbourdieux (EARL Vallée de Garonne) or from Thierry Dussac (GAEC de COSTES PELADES).